Time-resolved studies of light propagation in paper

A method for time-resolved recording of light scattering in thin, highly scattering media is described. Subpicosecond pulses from a high-power Ti:sapphire laser are used, and single-shot recordings of the scattered light are made with a fast streak camera. The method is applied to the study of light scattering in paper, and a 1-ps resolution is demonstrated. The dependence of the light scattering on the basis of weight and density of the paper has been studied. A white-light continuum generated from the high-power pulses by the use of self phase modulation in water is used to study the wavelength dependence of the scattering process. A model for the propagation of light in paper has been developed and used in Monte Carlo simulations. The experimental results are used for testing this model, and absorption and scattering parameters are determined from that comparison.