Arousal Effects during Tournament Play in Squash

This study investigated possible differences in psychological responses among three groups of players ( n = 30) participating in competitive squash tournaments. The 1982 reversal theory of Apter was taken as the theoretical base for the experiment and subjects' ongoing changes in “state” characteristics (including arousal), before and after competitive play, were measured using the Telic State Measure. More enduring personality dispositions among subjects were assessed by means of the Telic Dominance Scale. No significant differences (there was one exception) were found between winners and losers on the seriousmindedness and planning orientation Telic State Measure items. Although winners and losers showed no differences in levels of felt (experienced) arousal or preferred levels of arousal, winners and losers showed significant changes in level of preferred arousal across games. The effect of games was significant. Also, a decrease effect in level of preferred arousal pre- to post-game was significant. Losers' discrepancy scores, i.e., preferred minus felt arousal, changed significantly across games but winners' scores did not. No significant differences were obtained among subject groups in telic dominance.

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