Levels and activities of nitrogenase proteins in Azotobacter vinelandii grown at different dissolved oxygen concentrations

Azotobacter vinelandii was grown diazotrophically at different dissolved oxygen concentrations (in the range of 3 to 216 microM) in sucrose-limited continuous culture. The specific nitrogenase activity, measured on the basis of acetylene reduction in situ, was dependent solely on the growth rate and was largely independent of oxygen and sucrose concentration. FeMo (Av1) and Fe (Av2) nitrogenase proteins were quantified after Western blotting (immunoblotting). When the cultures were grown at a constant dilution rate (D, representing the growth rate, mu) of 0.15.h-1, the cellular levels of both proteins were constant regardless of different dissolved oxygen concentrations. The same was true when the organisms were grown at D values above 0.15.h-1. At a lower growth rate (D = 0.09.h-1), however, and at lower oxygen concentrations cellular levels of both nitrogenase proteins were decreased. This means that catalytic activities of nitrogenase proteins were highest at low oxygen concentrations, but at higher oxygen concentrations they increased with growth rate. Under all conditions tested, however, the Av1:Av2 molar ratio was 1:(1.45 +/- 0.12). Cellular levels of flavodoxin and FeS protein II were largely constant as well. In order to estimate turnover of nitrogenase proteins in the absence of protein synthesis, chloramphenicol was added to cultures adapted to 3 and 216 microM oxygen, respectively. After 2 h of incubation, no significant decrease in the cellular levels of Av1 and Av2 could be observed. This suggests that oxygen has no significant effect on the breakdown of nitrogenase proteins.