Green turtle hatching success and nest predation were investigated at Tortuguero, Costa Rica, during July—November 1977. Forty—two percent of 350 study area nests and 57% of 237 beach survey nests produced emerging young; 38% and 24%, respectively, were destroyed by dogs, coatis, and vultures. The mean emergence percentage for the successful study area nests was 83%. About 13% of all eggs deposited did not hatch. A mean incubation period of 62 d and a mean clutch size of 104 eggs were recorded. Emergence success was not influenced by other recorded parameters (nest position on beach, rainfall, turtle's tag year, time of season, incubation period, and clutch size). Incubation period was related to nest position and clutch size. Dogs, coatis, and black and turkey vultures were the chief predators at Tortuguero; dogs did the most damage. Dogs and coatis found nests at all stages of development, but destroyed more nests containing hatchlings than nests containing unhatched eggs. Predation was related to nest position, but not to nest density. Nests were destroyed in equal proportion on the entire 35.4 km of beach. Predator activity was not consistent throughout the season; proportionally more nests were destroyed near the end of the nesting season than during the beginning.