Standards for Nursing Terminology

Terminology work in nursing has given rise to an increasing number of nursing terminologies. These generally take the form of controlled vocabularies. Because of the limitations of the controlled vocabulary approach, individual terminologies tend to be tuned to meet the specific needs of their intended users. Differences between terminologies are now a significant barrier to the comparison and interchange of health information. To agree on a single, multipurpose terminology would be problematic. However, several options for resolving unnecessary differences between nursing terminologies are currently being explored by international standards bodies and other groups, such as the U.S. Nursing Vocabulary Summit. One such option is the use of a terminology model to facilitate evolution toward a more coherent range of terminologies. The authors describe the motivation behind the development of a standard for nursing terminologies. They explain how a terminology model might form the basis for such a standard through a description of the approach taken by CEN TC251 (the Health Informatics Technical Committee of the European Committee for Standardization). They also discuss possible limitations of standardization.