Exact Physical Black Hole States in Generic 2-D Dilaton Gravity

The quantum mechanics of black holes in generic 2-D dilaton gravity is considered. The Hamiltonian surface terms are derived for boundary conditions corresponding to an eternal black hole with slices on the interior ending on the horizon bifurcation point. The quantum Dirac constraints are solved exactly for these boundary conditions to yield physical eigenstates of the energy operator. The solutions are obtained in terms of geometrical phase space variables that were originally used by Cangemi, Jackiw and Zwiebach in the context of string inspired dilaton gravity. The spectrum is continuous in the Lorentzian sector, but in the Euclidean sector the thermodynamic entropy must be $2\pi n/G$ where $n$ is an integer. The general class of models considered contains as special cases string inspired dilaton gravity, Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity and spherically symmetry gravity.

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