Modelling the Adoption of Advanced Manufacturing Technology by Small Firms

Varano are with villanova university, pernsylvania,USA andGeorge. J. Tituts iwtth Temple unviersity, philadelphia, USA. Rapdi technological changes and intesified cmpettition are reqquireing samll manufacturing firms to consider the adoption of computer controlled machine tools. thisempirical study investigated those factors reltedto the adptiondecison and developed a multivariate modelsbased on data collected from 169 machiine shops. The most lkely adopters were largel shops that engaged primiarily in parats fabrication, where size is measured by sales and total tools employed. An importtant iimplicaton of thiis research isthat small shps which have not yet adopted computer -controlled tools shhould reconsider theri decision for survival and or growth. The parper concludes with aseries of recommendation for futeru reserarch based on the study's findings.

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