Optical pumping of diatomic molecules in the electronic ground state: Classical and quantum approaches

Optical pumping of the electronic ground state of molecules has been investigated under conditions of plane, elliptically, and circularly polarized light broadband excitation. The analysis has been performed assuming arbitrary angular momentum values, and applying the apparatus of polarization moments, the latter forming the coefficients in the expansion of the density matrix over irreducible tensor operators, including simplifications due to asymptotic limits for large momentum values. In addition to accounting for the external magnetic field, attention has been also given to the dynamical Stark effect arising from the absence of coincidence between the centers of the exciting line and the absorption line. An alternative classical description is also proposed using multiple moments as coefficients of the expansion of a classical quasidensity of states over spherical harmonics. The equivalence of both approaches of description in the limit of infinitely large angular moments is demonstrated, and the meaning of the origin of coherence is clarified, as well as its destruction by the magnetic field in the classical description of the system.