Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty following endarterectomy.

Recurrent occlusive disease was found by noninvasive methods and confirmed arteriographically in 7 patients who had undergone endarterectomy for stenosis of one or both iliac arteries, or the subclavian artery. Three patients with iliac artery stenosis had percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) 1-5 yr after endarterectomy. One patient with stenosis of the external iliac artery had PTA 4 yr after endarterectomy, and dilatation was repeated 7 mo. later because of recurrence. One patient had 2 endarterectomies and 2 PTA within 8 yr for stenosis of the right common iliac artery. One patient had recanalization of the left common iliac artery 6 yr after endarterectomy with low-dose streptokinase followed by PTA. Another patient underwent endarterectomy of the left subclavian artery 3 mo. after PTA, and required further dilatation at 5 and 10 mo. because of recurrence. Endarterectomy apparently does not preclude PTA (or vice versa) in patients with recurrent arterial occlusive disease.