The late stage larvae of three erycinid bivalves (Mollusca: Pelecypoda: Leptonacea) taken from the brood chamber of the adult are described (Kellia cycladiformis, Lasaea rubra hinemoa, and L. maoria), and the provisionally identified late stage larva of the erycinid Arthritica bijurca taken from the plankton is described. Also, the D‐shaped larvae of the erycinid bivalves Kellia cycladiformis, Borniola reniformis, Arlhritica crassijormis, and A. bifurca taken from the parent brood chamber are described. The seasonal occurrence of each late stage larva in the plankton at the Bay of Islands (35° 15'S, 174° 10'E), Wellington Harbour (41° 16'S, 174° 51'E), and Raumati Beach (40° 56'S, 174° 58'E), New Zealand is described. Aspects of the reproductive cycles of Lasaea rubra hinemoa and Arthritica bifurca are presented.

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