Mossbauer effect and magnetic properties of some Eu-Zn compounds

The Eu Mossbauer effect was studied on the compounds EuZn13, EuZn5 and EuZn2 at various temperatures. The hyperfine fields and the isomer shifts were determined. For these compounds the lattice constants and the magnetic properties were also studied: EuZn13 is ferromagnetic, EuZn5 antiferromagnetic and EuZn2 metamagnetic. The ordering temperatures, asymptotic Curie temperatures and effective moments were determined. From all these results it was established that the Eu in these compounds is almost completely in the divalent state, isoelectronic with Gd. The data available for EuZn2 were used to analyse the strength of the magnetic coupling between the localized moments by means of the RKKY model. The sign and magnitude of the s-f exchange integral were determined.