Growth of Normal and Malignant Human Mammary Epithelial Cells in Culture23

Normal and malignant human mammary epithelial cells were placed in culture. Normal cells were recovered from late-lactatlon milk and breest fluids, and malignant cells were isolated from primary breast tumors by collagenese digestion. The concentration of cells obtained from breast fluid samples was inversely proportional to the volume of fluid secreted. Most of these cells adhered rapidly to the substrate, did not replicate, displayed Fc receptor-dependent phagocytic activity, and were thus identified as macrophages. The remaining cells grew out into large islands comprised of one or two distinct morphologic types of mammary epithelial cells. Optimum growth of these cells was obtained in medium buffered to pH 6.8, and the epidermal growth factor markedly prolonged the exponential growth phase of the cells. Two morphologically distinct populations of epithelial cells were also observed in cultures established from individual breast tumors. Growth of the malignant cells was relatively unaffected by the pH of the culture medium, and the calls were unresponsive to exogenously added hormones. Overgrowth of malignant epithelial cells in primary cultures by stromal fibroblasts was ratarded by replacement of standard growth medium with fresh medium containing a serum substitute; growth of the malignant epithelial cells was unaffected. A feeder layer of mitomycin C-treeted human fibroblasts increased the plating efficiency of both normal and malignant cells in primary culture and also facilitated passage of these cells to secondary and tertiary cultures.