Oxidative and Phosphorylative Activity of Plant Mitochondria

Etiolated seedlings of the mung bean. Phaseolus aureus, pre-sterilized for 10 min. and soaked for 60 min. in dist. water, then planted in water-saturated vermiculite and grown at 26[degree]C under a low-intensity red light for 90 hrs., furnished an enzyme prepn. by means of methods recommended by Laties. The cytoplasmic particles in the prepn., apparently true mitochondria from size and staining reaction with Janus Green B, were found capable of carrying out all of the reactions of the Krebs cycle including the complete oxidation of pyruvate to CO2 and water when attention was paid to osmotic concn., pH and phosphate concn. of the dispersion medium, and the temp. was close to O[degree] C. The oxidase system responsible is apparently cytochrome and the results indicate that the mechanics of energetic coupling in plants may resemble those of animals.