Mitochondrial Participation in the Intracellular Ca2+ Network

L-Selectin on neutrophils as well as inducible E- and P-selectin on endothelium are involved in the recruitment of neutrophils into inflamed tissue. Based on cell attachment assays, L-selectin was suggested to function as a carbohydrate presenting ligand for E- and P-selectin. However, previous affinity isolation experiments with an E-selectin–Ig fusion protein had failed to detect L-selectin among the isolated E-selectin ligands from mouse neutrophils. We show here that L-selectin from human neutrophils, in contrast to mouse neutrophils, can be affinity-isolated as a major ligand from total cell extracts using E-selectin–Ig as affinity probe. Binding of human L-selectin to E-selectin was direct, since purified L-selectin could be reprecipitated with E-selectin–Ig. Recognition of L-selectin was abolished by sialidase-treatment, required Ca2+, and was resistant to treatment with endoglycosidase F. Binding of L-selectin to a P-selectin–Ig fusion protein was not observed. In agreement with the biochemical data, the anti–Lselectin mAb DREG56 inhibited rolling of human neutrophils on immobilized E-selectin–Ig but not on P-selectin–Ig. No such inhibitory effect was seen with the anti–mouse L-selectin mAb MEL14 on mouse neutrophils. Rolling of E-selectin transfectants on purified and immobilized human L-selectin was inhibited by mAb DREG56. We conclude that L-selectin on human neutrophils is a major glycoprotein ligand among very few glycoproteins that can be isolated by an E-selectin affinity matrix. The clear difference between human and mouse L-selectin suggests that E-selectin–binding carbohydrate moieties are attached to different protein scaffolds in different species.