Modification of sol–gel-derived amorphous Al2O3 thin films by F2 excimer laser irradiation at ambient temperature

F2 excimer laser (157 nm) irradiation was applied to modify sol–gel-derived amorphous Al2O3 thin films at ambient temperature. The surface morphology and density of the film were significantly altered by the laser irradiation (power: 2 mW/cm2/pulse). The surface properties of the film were also changed from hydrophilic to hydrophobic. These alterations were not observed when using ArF excimer laser (193 nm) irradiation at the same laser power as that of the F2 laser. It was found that the changes induced by F2 laser irradiation mainly arose from the direct photoexcitation of C = O groups in ethylacetoacetate, which was added as a chelating agent of aluminum-alkoxides. Consequently, photochemical reactions of the Norrish-type occur, resulting in the formation of hydrocarbon or olefin and the elimination of carbon monoxide (CO) or decomposition products. The elimination of CO is considered to cause the marked change in structure and surface properties of the film. Patterning of the gel films was successfully performed by using these findings.