Minimally invasive surgery for urologic disease in children

This article is a comprehensive review of the current indications and recent literature pertaining to laparoscopic techniques in pediatric urology. Basic concepts such as instrumentation, anesthetic considerations, and complications are reviewed. Specific techniques and indications are also explored. As the field of pediatric urology continues to expand, it still lags behind adult urology. With improvements in technology, however, and with new surgeons entering the field with a basic laparoscopic background, pediatric urologic laparoscopy continues to progress. Currently, procedures such as laparoscopic exploration for undescended testicles and laparoscopic nephrectomy are accepted as the 'gold standard', and are performed at most institutions. Other procedures, such as laparoscopic pyeloplasty and laparoscopic reconstructive surgery, have only recently been introduced and are primarily available at centers with surgeons experienced in laparoscopy. It is our hope that minimally invasive surgical approaches to urologic conditions will become available to all children and become commonplace at most institutions.