$Λ_s (1405)$ and Negative Parity Baryon States

After a brief historical background on the $\Ls$, we revisit the 25 year old controversy on whether $\Ls$ is a $qqq$ (L=1) three quark state or a $\K$ quasi virtual bound state. This work is stimulated by the recent suggestion of Isgur that s be treated as a heavy quark in heavy quark effective theory HQET. We re-examine the empirical evidence for minimal mixing amongst singlets and octets in negative parity baryon states, with a possible dynamical origin in the opening of inelastic threshold channels. Finally, we suggest that $\Ls$ belongs to a class of hadrons which are described simultaneously as $qqq$ or $q \bar{q}$ states and as hadronic bound states.

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