To test the effectiveness of, and the interactions between, right and left vagal stimulation on left ventricular acetylcholine (ACh) levels, we applied the dialysis technique to the heart of anaesthetized cats. Dialysis probes were implanted in the left ventricular myocardium and perfused with Krebs–Henseleit buffer containing eserine. Dialysate ACh content was measured as an index of ACh release from post‐ganglionic vagal nerve terminals in the left ventricular myocardium. We electrically stimulated the right and left cervical vagal nerves separately or together and investigated the dialysate ACh response. In two different regions of the left ventricle, substantial dialysate ACh responses were observed by the stimulation (20 Hz) of both right and left cervical vagal nerves. At stimulation frequencies of both 10 and 20 Hz, the dialysate ACh response to the bilateral vagal stimulation was almost algebraically the calculated sum of the individual dialysate ACh responses to unilateral vagal stimulation. In conclusion, ACh levels in the left ventricle are affected by both right and left vagal nerves and show little evidence of interactions between right and left vagal nerves at the level of the cardiac ganglia.