New subgroups in the human T cell rearranging V gamma gene locus.

Two new V gamma genes in humans are described from rearrangement in T cell lines, which constitute single members of new V gene subgroups of the T‐cell rearranging gamma (TRG gamma) locus. These two genes (herein designated as belonging to V gamma III and V gamma IV subgroups) are located between V gamma I/V gamma II subgroups and the constant (C) gamma genes. The existence of these new genes brings the number of different, potentially useable, human TRG V gamma genes to eight (excluding at least five pseudo V gamma genes) and the number of distinct subgroups to four. Polymorphism in the sequence of the V gamma II subgroup gene is also described and rearranged fragment sizes which make possible an unequivocal assignment of a V gamma rearrangement are given. These results extend previous conclusions of the inherited diversity of the human TRG V gamma locus.