Chemical reactivities of [Me2Al(µ-NPri2)2MgMe]4 and [Me2Al(µ-NEt2)2MgMe]2: crystal structures of [Me2Al(µ-NPri2)2Mg(µ-I)]2, [Me2Al(µ-OBut)2Mg(µ-OBut)]2, Me2Al(µ-NPri2)(µ-OEt)Mg(µ-NPri2)(µ-OEt)AlMe2 and Me2Al(µ-OBut)2Mg(µ-OBut2)2AlMe2

The nucleophilic attack of alcohols, amines and iodine on the magnesium atoms of [Me2Al(µ-NPri 2)2MgMe]4A and [Me2Al(µ-NEt2)2MgMe]2B has been investigated. Compound A undergoes metathesis with amines (Et2NH and Pri 2NH) and iodine to give [Me2Al(µ-NPri 2)2Mg(µ-NR2)](R = Et 7 or Pri4) and [Me2Al(µ-NPri 2)2Mg(µ-I)]25, respectively. Partial degradation of A with MeOH or ethanol gives Me2Al(µ-NPri 2)(µ-OMe)Mg(µ-NPri 2)(µ-OMe)AlMe21a and [Me2Al(µ-NPri 2)(µ-OEt)Mg(µ-NPri 2)(µ-OEt)AlMe21b, respectively, whereas partial degradation with ButOH gives Me2Al(µ-OBut)2Mg(µ-OBut)2AlMe22 and [Me2Al(µ-OBut)2Mg(µ-OBut)]23. Compound B undergoes metathesis with ButOH also to give 2 and 3. The intermediate, Me2Al(µ-NR2)2Mg(µ-Me)(µ-OBut)Mg(µ-NR2)2AlMe2I in the reactions of A and B with ButOH is also examined. The molecular structures of compounds 1b, 2, 3 and 5 were determined by X-ray diffraction.

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