High-energy forward scattering and the Pomeron: Simple pole versus unitarized models

Using the largest data set available, we determine the best values that the data at t=0 (total cross sections and real parts of the hadronic amplitudes) give for the intercepts and couplings of the soft Pomeron and of the ρ/ω and a/f trajectories. We show that these data cannot discriminate between a simple-pole fit and asymptotic log2s and logs fits, and hence are not sufficient to reveal the ultimate nature of the Pomeron. However, we evaluate the existing evidence (factorization, universality, quark counting) favoring the simple-pole hypothesis. We also examine the range of validity in energy of the fits, and show that one cannot rely on such fits in the region s<9GeV. We also establish bounds on the odderon and the hard Pomeron.