Failure to deliver the formal therapy prescribed in an NHS rehabilitation unit

The objectives of the study were to ascertain the extent to which short-term goals of therapy were achieved and to assess the discrepancy, if any, between the therapy prescribed and the therapy delivered. The weekly therapy prescribed and delivered over a two-month period was recorded. The outcome of goal setting was assessed in relation to the predicted time set for achieving the goal. All patients admitted to a rehabilitation ward in an NHS teaching hospital during the two months were studied. No patients received the full treatment prescribed. The percentage of prescribed treatment given to patients ranged from 33.3% to 66.4%. Over 95% of the goals set during the period were achieved but only 60% were achieved on time and 37% were achieved later than expected. The therapy prescribed for patients was not being delivered due to inadequate resourcing of therapy time. A 5% increase in funding to the rehabilitation ward would generate a 50% increase in the amount of formal therapy given which would be likely to shorten patients' stay in hospital.