The major urinary protein (Mup-complex) excreted in mouse urine was studied electrophoretically on starch gel and on cellogel. On starch gel, 6 anodally migrating protein bands were observed. These bands were designated component 3, 2'', 2, 1 and 4 (i.e., 2 bands) in the order of decreasing mobility toward the anode. The slower protein band of component 4 on starch gel was not observed on cellogel. By testing mouse inbred strains, 5 male and 4 female Mup phenotypes were distinguished. Test crosses suggested a 4-allelic (a, b, c and d) variation with regard to components 2'', 2 and 1. Group A strains showed component 1, group B strains showed components 1 and 2, group C and group F strains showed none and group D strains showed components 1 and 2''. Component 3 may be encoded by another Mup locus, although no crossing-over has been observed: presence (A, B, D and F strains), absence (C strains). Insufficiently reproducible demonstration of the variation with regard to component 4 forced exclusion of this component for strain distinction. The Mup phenotypes described can be useful for the detection of certain strain contaminations, expecially if F1 hybrid Mup phenotypes are distinguishable.