Circadian Rhythms of Cell Cycle Processes in the Marine Dinoflagellate Gonyaulax Polyedra

The circadian expression of several growth properties was examined in the dinoflagellate Gonyaulax polyedra under constant light and light-dark conditions. The cell concentration, mean cell volume and rate of DNA synthesis varied in a circadian rhythm, with the primary maximum of cytokinesis and DNA synthesis at about dawn. High rates of cell mortality also occurred during phases related to events of cytokinesis, and may be important in the expression of the other rhythms and in "red tide" generation. Flow-cytofluorimetric analysis indicated that cells of a population contain either a relatively high or a low amount of DNA, but the proportion of cells in each of these classes and the absolute amount of DNA in each cell varied rhythmically depending on the circadian time. This DNA-distribution pattern was unlike the usual G1-S-G2+M pattern typical of eukaryotic cell populations. Isotopically labelled thymidine, used as a marker of DNA synthesis, was continuously incorporated; but the incorporation rate fluctuated in a regular pattern that repeated each circadian period.