Mansonone E and F accumulation in Ulmuspumila resistant to Dutch elm disease

The presence of mansonones E and F in Ulmuspumila L. seedlings was determined 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, and 9 weeks after inoculation with aggressive and nonaggressive strains of Ophiostomaulmi (Buisman) Nannf. Mansonones E and F were accumulated in greater quantities by the seedlings inoculated with either strain than the seedlings inoculated with autoclaved distilled water or the control seedlings. No difference in mansonone induction was observed between the aggressive and the nonaggressive strain. Mansonones E and F accumulated until 2 weeks after inoculation and subsequently declined. Both aggressive and nonaggressive strains were recovered in the same frequencies from the inoculation wounds. The accumulation of mansonones E and F by U. pumila is discussed in regard to resistance to Dutch elm disease.