The Role of Medical Students in Curriculum Committees

Medical students often play a role in local curricular issues by assessing the curriculum and bringing consumers' perspectives to curricular committees. To identify the formal roles that medical students play on curriculum committees. Mail survey to associate deans of medical education at all U.S. medical schools (N = 144). A total of 109 surveys were returned (response rate = 75.7%). Students had formal roles on the curricular committees at 100% of the respondent institutions. The majority of medical schools allow peers to elect their representatives to the committee (53.2%). Students have a right to vote on curricular changes at 86% of the respondent institutions. The vast majority of respondents (97.2%) felt that medical students were important in initiating curricular change. Medical students play an active role on curriculum committees at U.S. medical schools. Further research is needed to fully elucidate these specific roles.