Platelet-reducing Extracts of the Spleen

Troland and Lee (1938) reported that extracts from spleens of thrombocytopenic pur-pura patients produced the condition in animals. Torrioli and Puddu (1938) questioned the specificity of Troland and Lee''s results. Pohle and Meyer (1939) could not duplicate the results. Hobson and Witts had a case of typical thrombocytopenic purpura with splenectomy. Because the disease is rare, although it was a single case, extracts of the spleen were studied in comparison with a normal spleen removed post-mortem after accidental death. An acetone extract of thrombocytopenic spleen reduced the platelets of a rabbit more than an acetone extract of normal spleen. However, a Ringer extract of normal spleen was a more effective platelet-reducing agent than the acetone extract of normal spleen. Hence the authors suggest that the potency of different extracts of normal spleens should be studied before comparing conditions of health and disease.