A discussion of plane elastic and magnetoelastic waves follows a statement of the linearized equations of motion of coupled spin and elastic waves. The dispersion equations of θ = 0 and θ = π/2 waves are examined in detail. A description of the generation and propagation of magnetoelastic waves in a nonuniform magnetic field prepares the way for a review of selected experiments which illustrate the transmission and attenuation characteristics of elastic and magnetoelastic waves in yttrium iron garnet. Experimental resuits are presented on (1) time-field behavior of θ = π/2 magnetoelastic waves, (2) time-field-frequency characteristics of θ = 0 magnetoelastic waves, (3) polarization reversal of θ = 0 magnetoelastic waves, (4) acoustic Faraday rotation, (5) Mc frequency standing magnetoelastic waves, and (6) loss measurements for elastic and magnetoelastic waves. Finally, some delay line applications of these waves are considered.