Two‐dimensional gel analysis of midgut proteins of Anopheles stephensi lines with different susceptibility to Plasmodium falciparum infection

Little is known about the composition of the mosquito midgut which plays a central role in the development and subsequent transmission of malaria parasites. As a first step towards the characterization of mosquito midgut molecules involved in the transmission of malaria parasites, we analysed two-dimensional gel electrophoresis patterns of the midgut proteins of sugar-fed and blood-fed Anopheles stephensi lines of different susceptibility to P. falciparum infection. Two lines fully susceptible and one line (Pb3-9A) of reduced susceptibility were used. In the refractory line ookinetes do develop but are only inefficiently transformed into oocysts (Feldmann & Ponnudurai, 1989). The protein profiles of midguts from all sugar-fed mosquito lines were similar. However, after blood feeding, the midgut of the fully susceptible lines contained proteins not found in the midgut of line Pb3-9A. Twenty-nine such proteins were detected and are candidates for involvement in the interaction between the mosquito midgut and P. falciparum.