Thermal Death Kinetics of Some Common Postharvest Pathogens of Papaya

Thermal death kinetics, decimal reduction times (D-values), and rate constants, k, at 43 to 49 °C were determined for spore or cell suspensions of Colletotrichum gloeosporiodes (Penz.) Penz. & Sacc. in Penz., Guignardia psidii Ullasa & Rawl, Guignardia sp. Viala & Ravaz., and Enterobacter cloacae (Jordan) Hormaeche & Edwards. D-values for Monilinia fructicola (Wint.) Honey, Rhizopus stolonifer (Ehr.: Fr.) Vuill., and Stemphylium lycopersici (Enjoji) Yamamoto were calculated and extrapolated from published reports. We compared the relative heat resistances of the various postharvest pathogens to their expected survival during quarantine heat treatments and found that Guignardia, Rhizopus, and E. cloacae could be expected to survive quarantine heat treatments.

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