Radical Prostatectomy in the Management of Localised Carcinoma of the Prostate

During the yr 1971 to 1983, 24 patients underwent radical prostatectomy for localized carcinoma of the prostate. There was 1 post-operative death from a pulmonary embolism, but all other patients were available for followup. All tumors were confirmed on palpation to be clinically localized to the prostate. Patients with clinical stages T0, T1 and T2 were referred for radical surgery. Patients with incidental carcinoma (T0), with less than 10% of the total tissue involved with carcinoma, were not subjected to surgery, and were followed up by observation only. Two patients developed recurrence of tumor at 18 to 12 mo. and 2 yr. One patient died 1 yr later from the disease; he had a pathological T3 tumor with microscopic extension into the seminal vesicles. All other patients are alive and tumor-free at followup and 20 of the 23 patients are fully continent.