The method previously developed by the authors for the determination of the "sensitive volume" corresponding to the locus for white eye in D. melanogaster is applied to an analysis of temp. effects upon the apparent volume of this locus. Eosin stock was used, and data for [male][male] and [female][female] are presented separately. As would be expected, the data from [female][female] are non-linear, and only those from [male][male] are used in the calculation. Young larvae were irradiated at 4[degree]C, 26[degree]C, and 46[degree]C. The radii of the corresponding sensitive volumes found, assuming the volume to be spherical as in previous cases, were respectively 6.39 X 10-7 cm., 6.52 X 10-7 cm., and 7.10 X 10-7 cm. The significance of these values and their deviations is discussed.