The information available on the rehabilitation with removable dentures among dentate subjects is contradictory. In the present study, the most common type of rehabilitation was a complete maxillary denture with or without a partial one. Nineteen per cent of men and 27% of women belonged to this category. Partial dentures(s) without a complete one were worn by 11% of men and 15% of women. The odds ratio of having partial denture(s) was significantly higher among women, among people with a medium level of income, with a regular dental attendance pattern, and with a shorter distance to the nearest dental clinic. The presence of a complete denture significantly decreased the odds ratio of having partial denture. The effect of age was non-significant in the two youngest age categories. The odds ratio of having a single complete denture was significantly higher among women, among people with a medium level of income and with a shorter distance to the nearest dental clinic. The presence of a partial denture and belonging to the oldest age bracket decreased the odds ratio significantly. Regularity of use of dental services had a non-significant effect.

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