Hyperfine Interactions ofFe57inFe3C

The absence of the quadrupole interaction from the room-temperature spectrum of Fe3C is shown to be only apparent. The spectrum was unfolded into two components in accordance with the two known structural sites, G (general) and S (special). The electric field gradient is found to be axially symmetric at each site. The quadrupole interaction is found to be 0.32 mm/sec for the G site and - 0.58 mm/sec for the less-symmetric S site. The angles θ between the magnetic field H and the electric field gradient Vzz were found to be 50° and -50° for G and S, respectively. The hyperfine fields are found to be HG=205 kOe and HS=207 kOe. No difference in the isomer shift could be observed. The only indications of two sites in the room-temperature spectrum are the broadening (and therefore shortening) of the +32+12 transition line (sixth line), and a smaller broadening of the 1212 transition line (second line).