Biochemical and Immunocytochemical Evidence for a Deficiency of Normal Interfascicular Oligodendroglia in the CNS of the Dysmyelinating Mutant (md) Rat

Carbonic anhydrase was assayed and carbonic anhydrase and 5''-nucleotidase were localized in the CNS of myelin-deficient mutant rats and normal littermates. The carbonic anhydrase specific activities were reduced by 61% and 29% in the mutants'' forebrains and cerebella, respectively, and the total carbonic anhydrase activity in the spinal cords was reduced by 35%. Immunostained cells were found in gray matter from both normal and mutant rats, but, in the mutants, there was a marked deficiency of interfascicular oligodendrocytes in the regions that are normally occupied by white matter. It is suggested that a developmental study could indicate the step(s) at which normal differentiation of interfascicular oligodendroglia is blocked in this mutant.