Magnetic Properties of TbIn3, TbPt3 and HoIn3

Neutron‐diffraction measurements made on powder samples of TbIn3, TbPt3, and HoIn3 show that all of these compounds exhibit antiferromagnetism below Néel temperatures of 37 ± 1°K, 20.5 ± 0.5°K, and 11.5 ± 0.5°K, respectively. The magnetic reflections from TbPt3 can be indexed on a doubled chemical cell of cubic symmetry. A possible magnetic model consists of an arrangement where the Tb moments are aligned in opposite directions in adjacent (111) magnetic planes. The magnetic reflections from TbIn3 and HoIn3 can be indexed on a doubled chemical cell of tetragonal symmetry. An appropriate magnetic arrangement is one in which the rare‐earth moments are aligned in opposite directions in adjacent (110) magnetic planes. For TbIn3 the moment direction makes an angle of 10 ± 5° with the unique or c axis of the magnetic cell; for HoIn3 the corresponding moment direction is 58 ± 5°. The saturation ordered moment on the rare‐earth atom sites in all three compounds is approximately 10% less than the calculated or expected values. The magnetic structures are compared with predictions of the indirect exchange theory.