Intranuclear maturation pathways of rat liver ribosomal ribonucleic acids

The maturation of pre-rRNA (precursor to rRNA)in liver nuclei is studied by agar/ureagel electrophoresis, kinetics of labelling in vivo with [14C] orotate and electron-microscopic observation of secondary structure of RNA molecules. (1) Processing starts from primary pre-rRNA molecules with average mol. wt. 4.6×10(6)(45S) containing the segments of both 28S and 18S rRNA. These molecules form a heterogeneous peak on electrophoresis. The 28S rRNA segment is homogeneous in its secondary structure. However, the large transcribed spacer segment (presumably at the 5′-end) is heterogeneous in size and secondary structure. A minor early labelled RNA component with mol.wt. about 5.8×10(6) is reproducibly found, but its role as a pre-rRNA species remains to be determined. (2) The following intermediate pre-rRNA species are identified: 3.25×10(6) mol.wt.(41S), a precursor common to both mature rRNA species; 2.60×10(6)(36S) and 2.15×10(6)(32S) precursors to 28S rRNA; 1.05×10(6) (21S) precursor to 18S rRNA. The pre-rRNA molecules in rat liver are identical in size and secondary structure with those observed in other mammalian cells. These results suggest that the endonuclease-cleavage sites along the pre-rRNA chain are identical in all mammalian cells. (3) Labelling kinetics and the simultaneous existence of both 36S and 21S pre-rRNA reveal that processing of primary pre-rRNA in adult rat liver occurs simultaneously by at least two major pathways: (i) 45S → 41S → 32S+21S → 28S+18S rRNA and (ii) 45S → 41S → 36S+18S → 32S → 28S rRNA. The two pathways differ by the temporal sequence of endonuclease attack along the 41 S pre-rRNA chain. A minor fraction (mol.wt.2.9×10(6), 39S) is identified as most likely originating by a direct split of 28S rRNA from 45S pre-rRNA. These results show that in liver considerable flexibility exists in the order of cleavage of pre-rRNA molecules during processing.