Pharmacokinetics of bendroflumethiazide

Bendrojlumethiazide (bft) , 10 mg, was administered orally to 9 healthy volunteers. The concentrations of the diuretic in plasma and urine were determined by gas‐liquid chromatography (GLC). Peak plasma levels (86 ± 18 ng/ml) of bft were reached at 2 ± 0.4 hr. The concentration declined with a mean tlh of 3.0 hr. The apparent volume of distribution averaged 1.48 Llkg. The major part of the drug was eliminated via nonrenal mechanisms, the nonrenal clearance being estimated to 269 ± 77 mllmin and renal clearance to 105 ± 24 mllmin. Urinary recovery of the thiazide averaged 30%.

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