Substructure of the strongly interacting Higgs sector

If the electroweak symmetry-breaking sector becomes strong at energies above 1 TeV as a result of the absence of a low-mass Higgs boson, and if only the minimal complement of Higgs particles is present, one expects an isovector spin-1 meson of mass 2 TeV/c2, and width 400 GeV, decaying mostly to W±Z or W+ W, on very general grounds. Thus, if longitudinal W’s and Z’s and Higgs bosons are actually fermion-antifermion composites, one must study systems other than this heavy vector meson to learn the nature of the constituents. The role in such studies played by the corresponding spin-1 isoscalar meson, also expected to have a mass of ≊2 TeV/c2, is examined, and compared with the corresponding role played by the ω in hadron physics.