The effect of electrochemical regeneration upon the enzymatic catalysis of a thermodynamically unfavorable reaction

The association between enzymatic and electrochemical reactions, enzymatic electrocatalysis, had proven to be a very powerful tooth in both analytical and synthetic fields. However, most of the combinations studied have involved enzymatic catalysis of irreversible or quasi‐irreversible reaction. In the present work, we have investigated the possibility of applying enzymatic electrocatalysis to a case where the electrochemical reaction drives a thermodynamically unfavorable reversible reaction. Such thermodynamically unfavorable reactions include most of the oxidations catalyzed by dehydrogenases. Yeast alcohol dehydrogenase (E.C. was chosen as a model enzyme because the oxidation of ethanol is thermodynamically very unfavorable and because its kinetics are well known. The electrochemical reaction was the oxidation of NADH which is particularly attractive as a method of cofactor regeneration. Both the electrochemical and enzymatic reactions occur in the same batch reactor in such a way that electrical energy is the only external driving force. Two cases were experimentally and theoretically developed with the enzyme either in solution or immobilized onto the electrode's surface. In both cases, the electrochemical reaction could drive the enzymatic reaction by NADH consumption in solution or directly in the enzyme's microenvironment. However even for a high efficiency of NADH consumption, the rate of enzymatic catalysis was limited by product (acetaldedehyde) inhibition. Extending this observation to the subject of organic synthesis catalyzed by dehydrogenases, we concluded that thermodynamically unfavorable reaction and can only be used in a process if efficient NAD regeneration and product elimination are simultaneously carried out within the reactor.