Window on Higgs Boson: Fourth Generation $b^\prime$ Decays Revisited

  • 4 December 2000
Direct and indirect searches of the Higgs boson suggest that 113 GeV $\lesssim m_H \lesssim$ 170 GeV is likely. With the LEP era ending and the Tevatron Run II search via $p\bar p \to WH+X$ arduous, we revisit a case where $WH$ or $ZH +$ jets could arise via strong $b^\prime\bar b^\prime$ pair production. In contrast to 10 years ago, the tight electroweak constraint on $t^\prime$--$b^\prime$ (hence $t^\prime$--$t$) splitting reduces FCNC $b^\prime\to bZ$, $bH$ rates, making $b^\prime\to cW$ naturally competitive. Such a "cocktail solution" is precisely the mix that could evade the CDF search for $b^\prime\to bZ$, and the $b^\prime$ may well be lurking below the top. In light of the Higgs program, this two-in-one strategy should be pursued, starting with revisiting Run I data.

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