Die computerperimetrische Darstellung glaukomatöser Gesichtsfelddefekte in Abhängigkeit von der Stimulusgrösse

The influence of stimulus size in computer perimetry of central visual field defects was investigated in 30 glaucomatous eyes from 30 patients. Of these, 12 eyes were studied utilizing stimulus size 1 and 3 and 18 eyes with stimulus size 3 and 5; the computer perimeter Octopus (program 31) was used. Using large test targets, small scotomata can be overlooked; identified field defects appear smaller and less deep. This well known phenomenon was evaluated quantitatively by computerized perimetry. The mean threshold values in the diseased areas of the glaucomatous fields were .apprx. 6-10 dB higher with stimulus size 3 than with stimulus size 1; these values were 6-10 dB higher with stimulus 5 in comparison to 3. The clinical significance of these findings is discussed for different types of perimetry.

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