Tissue Abnormalities in Newborn Rats from Vitamin B12 Deficient Mothers

Newborn young from female rats receiving a synthetic diet deficient in vitamin B12 were underweight and showed histological abnormalities. The degree of growth deficiency and of pathology were coordinate with the immature birthweights. The heart appeared immature with a fetal type of development of muscle fibers. The auricles were thin because of failure to develop full thickness of wall. An immature type of kidney showed a cortex of fetal structure with immature glomeruli and tubules. Proximal convoluted tubules became blocked and transformed into distended tubules histologically like distal tubules. Spleens showed a loss of primitive reticular cells and transformation into large densely chromatic and pyknotic cells. Liver showed passive congestion with the more central portions plugged with fat globules of undetermined orgin. Abnormal changes of the heart, liver, kidney and spleen were prevented by supplementing the maternal diet with vitamin B12.