First- and higher-order noninterference QED radiative corrections to the charge asymmetry at theZresonance

A variety of analytical and numerical results on the noninterference QED O(α) and O(α2) corrections to forward-backward (charge) asymmetry AFB are presented. Three definitions of the scattering angle and six definitions of the AFB are examined. For loose cutoffs, at the Z position, the pure O(α2) noninterference correction is found to be δAFB8×103 with the theoretical uncertainty below ∼1 × 103. All numerical and analytical calculations can be parametrized using a simple semianalytical formula: AFB to within δAFB8×103 on the Z resonance and ≃0.5 × 102 off the resonance, MZ5 GeV<s<MZ+5 GeV; the differential distribution dσdcosθ to a relative precision of 5 × 103. These results can be very useful for (i) quantitative parametrization of the exact Monte Carlo results, (ii) discussion of the electroweak corrections, and (iii) experimental data analysis.