Measurements have been made of the magnetothermopower S of an aluminum single crystal containing 50 PPM of gallium, in transverse magnetic fields H up to 20 kG, at temperatures T between 1.5 and 5.0K. The data were consistent with the equation S(H,T)=A(H)T+B(H)T3, allowing a separation of the electron diffusion component, Sd(H)=A(H)T, from the phonon drag component, Sg(H)=B(H)T3. This separation allowed determination of the quantity Delta Sd=Sd(H to infinity )-Sd(H=0). The average value of Delta Sd for H along the crystallographically equivalent (010) and (001) axes was Delta Sd=(2.23+or-0.25)T*10-8 VK-1, in good agreement with the calculation by Opsal and Wagner which included a 45% electron-phonon mass enhancement. For H along the (011) family of axes, a value of Delta Sd=(2.0+or-0.2)T*10-8 VK-1 was obtained. This value is slightly lower than the average value of Delta Sd for H along the (101) axes, in agreement with the calculation of Opsal and Wagner.