The relation between inherent optical properties and reflectance spectra in turbid inland waters

The relationship between reflectance, absorption and backscattering is essential for the development of analytical and multitemporal algorithms for remote sensing of inland waters. In this study emphasis has been put on the wavelength dependency of the optical properties. The spectra of the subsurface irradiance reflectance R(O−), absorption a, scattering b and backscattering bb were determined for 18 waters covering four inland water types. These watertypes are: shallow eutrophic lakes, shallow mesotrophic lakes, deep lakes and river and canals. The linear backscatter albedo model R(0−) = r 1 b b(a + bb) was investigated for each water sample. The estimated r 1 ranges from 0.12 to 0.56 with an average of 0.29, with a relative error of 1% to 5%. The variation in r 1 between the water bodies was large. The spectral dependence of r 1 , was larger for eutrophic lakes than for the other three water types. The linear backscatter albedo model provides a good basis for remote sensing algorithms for water quality. However, more research is required to find parametric expressions for r 1 that are independent of the composition of the water. The main recommendation is that measurements of the volume scattering functions of the various fractions of the suspended matter in inland waters are required.