Value of Soybran Flakes for Milk Production

Milk yields, fat percentages, and body weight gains were equMly as good on a concentrate mixture contMning 30% of soybran flakes as on mixtures having equal amounts of citrus pulp, or oats. When fed as the only source of feed to three cows in late lactation, soybran flakes prevented depression of fat tests, but did not maintain milk yields. Soybran flakes had a TDN value of 71.7% and a crude fiber digestibility of 83.8% when fed to steers in a ration containing two parts soybran flakes to one part hay. When fed alone to dairy cows, these values were 64.8 and 70.9%, respectively. It is concluded that soybran flakes can satisfactorily be used in dairy cattle rations and are about equal in feeding value to citrus pulp and oats.