Acceptability and Intelligibility of Tracheoesophageal Speech

• The original Blom-Singer voice prosthesis, introduced in 1979, has been recently modified to provide lower airway resistance. A tracheostoma breathing valve, introduced in 1982, permits unrestricted two-way breathing, yet eliminates the need for manual occlusion of the stoma. To date, the acceptability and intelligibility of tracheoesophageal (TE) speakers, using these prostheses, has not been extensively studied. Forty-six naive listeners rated the acceptability and intelligibility of 15 TE speakers, all of whom were wearing the tracheostoma breathing valve and a prototype low-pressure prosthesis. Acceptability was judged on an equal-appearing interval scale. Intelligibility judgments were based on randomized word lists of 50 items. Results suggest a high level of acceptability and intelligibility among both male and female TE speakers. Arch Otolaryngol 1985;111:213-215)

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