As a preliminary to reporting this case of congenital thrombopenic purpura, it seemed pertinent to review the literature in order to determine whether the criteria for a correct diagnosis had been fulfilled in every instance of so-called congenital thrombopenic purpura. Perusal of the literature revealed the fact that thirteen observers had reported cases of this disease. These cases were scrutinized carefully, observing the criteria which will be noted here.Since the advent of new procedures, in the last decade, finer methods of study in the hemorrhagic tendencies have been utilized. These include study of the megakaryocytes in the bone marrow and estimation of the prothrombin level. In all fairness to previous reports, diagnosis made by authors without benefit of bone marrow and prothrombin determinations have been accepted if the rest of the findings made the diagnosis plausible. In the future, however, much can be gained by adhering to the criteria