The viscosity, thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity, binary diffusion coefficients, and total radiated power in the continuum have been calculated for hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and air for temperatures from 1000 to 30,000 K and for pressures from 1 to 30 atm. The viscosity, electrical and thermal conductivites, and diffusion coefficients were calculated from the first Chapman-Enskog approximation, using the best available cross-section data from the literature. Coulomb collisions were treated approximately by means of effective collision cross sections, chosen to make the calculated transport properties agree with the results of Spitzer and Harm3 for the fully ionized case. Effects of ambipolar diffusion and charge exchange were included in the calculation. The continuum radiated power was calculated from Kramers' semiclassical approximation with an empirical correction factor to make the results agree with the limited experimental data available in the range of interest. The calculated transport properties agree well with the results of Mason, et al, at low temperatures and of Spitzer and Harm3 at high temperatures, but in the intermediate temperature range, from about 10,000 to 20,000 K, the results differ rather significantly from the results obtained by previous investigators.